
Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Ngakau nui rawa Nā Wikitoria

Ki te hanga mosaic ē pā ana ki te moana me ngā waka.
Te hanga i te mosaic.
Ko te puru i nga tilt ki runga.

Ko te ataahua o tenēi pikitia.

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Te moana me ngā waka Na Taki

Ki te hanga mosaic ē pā ana ki te moana me nga waka.
Te mahi mosaic ki te taha o Amelia.
Ko nga mea uaua kia  ahau ko te kimi nga mea ka taea te, whaka ataahua i nga mosaic.
Ko te ataahua hoki o tenei, pikitia ki runga nei

Monday, 25 March 2019

Te Akomanga Kopuapua 2019

He rawa te whakarite me te hanga i tēnei kiriata, ko tenei te kiriata tuatahi i hanga matou i te kiriata e pā ana ki te pepeha ō Puau te moana-nui a kiwa. we had fun making this video, this is the first time we have made a video land marks of this area. You may have scene we are not in uniform because we have organised to raise money for Christchurch.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Te Aho Matua

I te tau kua taha ake nei, i whakatau ka whakarite mātou te akomanga Toa, i tētahi waiata ki runga i te app GarageBand. Mehemea he pārekareka ki te taringa ō ngā akonga, ka hanga mātou tetahi kiriata mō taua waiata, Anei ngā hua ō taua mahi.

Last Year we as a class agreed that we would explore and create a song using the Garage Band app, and if the students were confidant about the song we would create a music video. Here is the product of that hard work I hope you enjoy it.